Tag Archives: security


I overheard a conversation in an office building the other day.. From one open office door hollered, “Oh, it asked me for my password – do you know my password?” From two doors down the answer was shouted back “It should be the same as everyone else, our street address.” I staggered a little and clutched at my chest as the light in the hallway dimmed. Continue reading ARGGGHHHHH!



Hook, line and bait – no we’re not fishing, we’re phishing. This cyberattack is a form of social engendering. Sometimes the attacker approaches you via a telephone call, other times it’s via e-mail, sometimes the attacker is bold enough to even show up in person. This is one of the most preventable attacks out there, but time and again we see our neighbors caught on someone’s hook.

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Six of the top fifteen threats in 2010 were from Malware. These vicious little programs are designed to do everything from breaking security protocols to logging the keys that your users are typing. In the “2011 Data Breach Investigations Report” as published by the Verizon RISK Team in cooperation with the U.S. Secret Service and the Dutch High Tech Crime Unit; the top two threats were both malware, the top threat was designed to forward data from your secured network and send it to a third party while the very close second level threat was created to allow a nefarious person to remotely access and control your computers.

Continue reading Malware
