A fire extinguisher.

Fire Drills

Recently I completed a disaster recovery plan for a friend. I updated the steps in their building evacuation workbook, developed an emergency call list and found they had a great start on their computer backups process but we found a large gap in the recovery portion of their plan.

They had a wonderful automated backup policy, each computer running a backup planA fire extinguisher. across their network to a file server that then burns the whole lot to a tape at the end of each week. They even tested their plan, recovering a computer from the daily network backup and from the weekly tape – I was delighted.

It was when we were going through the table-top exercise with the IT staff that we noticed the potential for a problem. The event card in the Table-top was titled “wildfire destroys whole complex” to which one of the IT Staff replied with a shrug, “We’ll just restore from the backups.”

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So we added in a plan for offsite storage of their weekly tapes.

~Geof “FOOM!” Franklin


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