Category Archives: Emergency Preparedness

More than Two-Thirds of Small Businesses are unprepared.

Gallup conducted a survey of small companies and asked about their Disaster Plans. Only 31% of small business owners reported that their business was prepared for a natural disaster.Explosive warning sign.What??

Continue reading More than Two-Thirds of Small Businesses are unprepared.


Before disaster strikes; go, get a Kit

We have all heard the mantra, Get a Kit – Make a Plan – Be Informed, but do we all know where to start? The first step in the process, Get a Kit, is more than just packing an overnight bag.

Evacuation packs filled with emergency supplies.
Evacuation packs filled with emergency supplies.

Building a disaster preparedness kit involves understanding the types of disasters which could occur in your area, gathering those items necessary to mitigate the disruption caused by those disasters, and maintaining your kit where it is accessible during a disaster.

What would you do if your family was caught in a disaster right now? Continue reading Before disaster strikes; go, get a Kit


The Oh Sh*t Book.

One of the simplest things you can do for business continuity is to write down all of those procedures you do to operate your business. It can be difficult to conceptualize what to put in a book like this so to help the process I encourage my clients to think along the lines of, “How could my employees operate if I were hit by a bus.” Continue reading The Oh Sh*t Book.
